My take on face masks

I never thought I would write a post about face masks, but it is the new normal now. So why not.

Do I like to wear a mask all day? No of course not but if it's means I'll be safer doing so I'm going to wear it. Now you are probably wondering "all day?" Well I work in retail, beside part of my lunch hour, I'm in my mask for 8 hours. I got used to it, I actually don't mind them at all anymore.

But lets start from the beginning. When we had to wear masks last year, I was like NO.I thought I can handle them, won't get enough air in my lungs. The reason for my thought where, I do not like to have anything on my face. (That might be also the reason why I don't like to wear make up?)  But then I thought, nurses, doctors always wear a mask and they don't have problems with it. I tried at home to wear the medical mask, we ordered on amazon. (not really medical mask what I found out later) It was ok wearing them for. short period of time. The next thought I had was but they won't look cute with my outfit. So I decided to make my own mask. And let me tell you I'm not crafty at all. I googled how to make mask and found one website that really helped and the description was easy too. I watch two youtube videos as well. Now I needed fabric, I had some old t-shirts I cut up and tried my best. Well it took some time to get the sizing correct. I also tried 2 different styles of mask. One does not work on me at all, it is not comfortable for me. I like the surgical face mask.

Now I had everything and I felt confident in doing them. I ordered me some fabric over Amazon. When the fabric arrived, I made sure it's 100% cotton, I washed and dried it. I started sewing my mask and was happy that they came out nicely. The more you do the better you get.

When I saw that stores carry mask now as well, I ordered me some. because well they do look better then the now I made. The one thing I have to say is that most of the mask are too big for my face. I guess I have a small head. I did find some I absolutely love, some that are ok and some I gave to friends because they were too big. I aways keep some medical facemarks in my car.Let me tell you it was more then once when I run out of the house without my mask, because I was late or just didn't think about it. Now I always have a back up if I need it. If I don't forget to fill it up again.

Why not treating the mask as a accessory? We have to wear it, so I switch my mask up depends on the wether and what Im wearing. I try to match my mask with my outfit.

If you are still looking for a good mask, here are some links you can shop:

Until the next time


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