My February reads


Hi everyone, here is my read of February.

I have to say I didn't read as much as I wanted. Somehow I only read 3 books. I did started a 4th one but I couldn't finish it, so this is going to be in my March read. 

I was super excited when I saw that one of my favorite Author released a new book. Of course I had to read it right away and I finished it within two days. 

So lets get started on my three books.





Jill Shalvis is such a great Author, I think I have every single book of hers. So I was extremely happy when I saw that she released a new book. 

This book is about friendship and family, heartbreak and love. You literally have it all in this book. Three foster kids finally found a family who loved them, until a tragic event happen. They still stayed in touch after but after a while they lost touch, maybe it was a bit intentional. When one of the foster sister gets married, she tricks everyone to stay with her for a week before her wedding, to grow back together. 

It is funny written and there were more then one time when I couldn't put the book down because I really wanted too know what happen next. Or I said ohh my gosh because I couldn't believe he/she just did that, and then there are the times when I was laughing out loud, because its just too funny.



My second book this month, is the second book of the Puller series. It definitely is a page turner. 

He visit his father after he came back from vacation, to find out that his Aunt wrote a letter and asked him to visit her in Florida, because something weird is going on there. People are not what they seem to be and mysterious things happen at night. When he arrives at his aunt place, he gets a not so happy surprise. His aunt is dead. The police said it was an accident, he thinks other wise. While investigating his aunt dead he gets in a lot of trouble, get his butt kicked, is arrested and makes some new friends. The end has a twist to it, I did not except it at all.



Ok, if you remember from last month, I only read the book because I want to know who the main character is going to marry. But every book is kinda the same, so you basically know what will happen. So when I started this book I was pleasantly surprised. because the main character, Hannah, is getting arrested for hitting a person with her car. Her brother in law is the person who arrest her. The person she hit and killed, no one intern knows about him. So she decided to investigate from behind bars with help of her family and friends. She also has to plan a wedding for her mother who decided to switch all made decision on the next day. 

I really loved reading this book and can't wait to read the next one, because you know I want to know what the outcome of her trial is going to be.


Some blogger friends and I are teaming up to share our book reads for the month! Follow along in our blogs and let us know if you have read any or if you plan to!






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